Welcome to Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Department

Publications Details

Sr.No. Author Name Title Year Complete Citation
1 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Causes of failure of natural springs in Pithoragarh Region of Uttarakhand. 2024 Saxena, U.; V. Kumar, Y. Kumar and A.S. Tomar. 2024. Causes of failure of natural springs in Pithoragarh Region of Uttarakhand. Poster presented in National Conference on Quality Seed Production: The Backbone of National Food Security- 2024 held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar during Mar. 4-6, 2024.
2 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function using extrapolated saturated front widths of line source field dripper. 2023 Ojha, R.P.; H. Chandra; A.S. Tomar; R. Mishra; A. Kumar and S. Arora. 2023. Estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity function using extrapolated saturated front widths of line source field dripper. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 22(2): 129-134, DOI: 10.5958/2455-7145.2023.00018.8
3 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Eco-hydrological modeling of soil wetting pattern dimensions under drip irrigation systems. 2023 Vishwakarma, D.K.; R. Kumar; A.S. Tomar and A. Kuriqi. 2023. Eco-hydrological modeling of soil wetting pattern dimensions under drip irrigation systems. Heliyon 9 (2023) e18078. DOI: 10.1016/ j.heliyon.2023.e18078.
4 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Investigation of 16 calibrated Valiantzas’ evapotranspiration equations against standard FAO56-PM model in Indian humid climatic condition. 2023 Tomar, A.S. 2023. Investigation of 16 calibrated Valiantzas’ evapotranspiration equations against standard FAO56-PM model in Indian humid climatic condition. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 51(3): 249-256. DOI: 10.59797/ijsc.v51.i3.142
5 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance of daily FAO56-PM ET0 model estimates under limited data conditions at arid Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. 2023 Tomar, A.S. 2023. Performance of daily FAO56-PM ET0 model estimates under limited data conditions at arid Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development, 38(1): 7-14. DOI: 10.5958/2231-6701.2023.00002.7
6 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Applicability of standard FAO56-PM ET0 model with limited meteorological dataset under humid climate of India 2022 Tomar, A.S. 2022. Applicability of standard FAO56-PM ET0 model with limited meteorological dataset under humid climate of India. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 50(1): 38-46.
7 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Calibration, validation and evaluation of temperature- and radiation-based and Valiantzas ET0 equations at humid Dehradun district of Uttarakhand. 2022 Tomar, A.S. 2022. Calibration, validation and evaluation of temperature- and radiation-based and Valiantzas ET0 equations at humid Dehradun district of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Ecology, 49(2): 455-461.
8 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Evaluating the performance of calibrated temperature-based equations as compared to standard FAO-56 Penman Monteith equation in humid climatic condition of Dehradun (India). 2022 Tomar, A.S. 2022. Evaluating the performance of calibrated temperature-based equations as compared to standard FAO-56 Penman Monteith equation in humid climatic condition of Dehradun (India). Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 59(4): 386-403.
9 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance evaluation of calibrated radiation-based ET0 equations against standard FAO56-PM model in humid climatic condition. 2022 Tomar, A.S. 2022. Performance evaluation of calibrated radiation-based ET0 equations against standard FAO56-PM model in humid climatic condition. Mausam, 73(4): 939-950.
10 Dr Mohan Lal Revisiting the Antecedent Moisture Content-Based Curve Number Formulae, Edition: vol 96, Chapter: 20 2021 Water Science and Technology Library, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-58051-3
11 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Evaluation of Valiantzas ET0 equations against FAO56-PM model in Indian semi-arid climatic conditions. 2021 Tomar, A.S. 2021. Evaluation of Valiantzas ET0 equations against FAO56-PM model in Indian semi-arid climatic conditions. Agric. Eng. Int.: CIGR Journal, 23(3): 1-12.
12 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Spatial distribution of water quality for Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain using Q-GIS 2021 Kumara, S; V. Kumar and A.S. Tomar. 2021. Spatial distribution of water quality for Indo-Gangetic alluvial plain using Q-GIS. Pantnagar J. Research, 19(3): 497-504.
13 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Morphometric analysis based prioritization of Bour river watershed of Uttarakhand using GIS. 2021 Kondeti, K.D.; V. Kumar; A. Kumar and A.S. Tomar. 2021. Morphometric analysis based prioritization of Bour river watershed of Uttarakhand using GIS. Inter. J. Enhanced Res. Sci., Tech. Engg., 10(7): 52-60.
14 Dr R P Singh Optimal pipe sizing and operation of multistage centrifugal pumps for water supply. 2020 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 04020007-1 - 04020007-9.
15 Dr Dheeraj Kumar Physico-chemical study of Ground Water of SIDCUL-Rudrapur of Udham SinghNagar district, Uttarakhand 2020 Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences,. 8:1/2
16 Dr Dheeraj Kumar GIS Technique Based Spatio Temporal Variation Study of Ground Water Quality Parameters of SIDCUL-Pantnagar, India 2020 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences . 9(4): 2441-2453
17 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Identification of drought spells for Almora and Dehradun districts of Uttarakhand, India. 2020 Tomar, A.S. 2020. Identification of drought spells for Almora and Dehradun districts of Uttarakhand, India. Inter. J. Scientific Engg. Applied Sciences, 6(6): 7-20.
18 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance evaluation of a radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equation developed for Indian sub-humid regions. 2020 Tomar, A.S. 2020. Performance evaluation of a radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equation developed for Indian sub-humid regions. International Journal of Advanced Technology & Science Research, 1(3): 246-255.
19 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of gravity-fed sewer lines using linear programming. 2019 J. Inst. Eng. India Scr. A, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-019-00391-x.
20 shiv kumar Conjunctive Use of Surface and Ground Waters Using Non-linear Optimization in the Tumaria Extension Canal Command of Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand 2019 International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management &Applied Science (IJLTEMAS) Volume VIII, Issue IV, April 2019 | ISSN2278-2540 www.ijltemas.in Page 37
21 Dr Mohan Lal Reverification of antecedent moisture condition dependent runoff curve number formulae using experimental data of Indian watersheds 2019 Catena (Elsevier publications)
22 Dr Vinod Kumar Water Quality Index for Assessment of Groundwater Quality Parameters in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttrakhand. 2019 Neelam Bunkar and Vinod Kumar (2019). Water Quality Index for Assessment of Groundwater Quality Parameters in Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttrakhand. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Special Issue-8: 68-72. ISSN No.: 2319-7706.
23 Dr Harish Chandra Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation levels on nutrient uptake in direct seeded scented rice 2019 Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(4): 1999-2001
24 shiv kumar Assessment of ground water utilization and prediction of water table depth using different heuristic model in an Indian Interbasin 2018 Journal Soft Computing
25 Dr Mohan Lal Recent Rainfall Trend and Drought Behavioural Assessment in the Pantnagar Region of Uttarakhand 2018 International journal of tropical agriculture
26 Dr Mohan Lal Long Term Rainfall Trend and Drought Analysis at Pantnagar 2018 National Agronomy Congress on “Redesigning Agronomy for Nature Conservation and Economic Empowerment” to be held at Pantnagar from 20-22 February, 2018. pp. 250-254.
27 Dr Mohan Lal Recent rainfall trend and drought behavioural assessment in the Pantnagar region of Uttarakhand 2018 7TH International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Plant Sciences, June 28-29, 2018, Hotel Landmark, Shimla (H. P.)
28 Dr Mohan Lal A Revisit to Antecedent Moisture Content Based Curve Number Formulae 2018 International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Intelligent Water Management (STIWM-2018) during February 16-19, 2018 at IIT Roorkee.
29 Dr Vinod Kumar Wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity, profitability, irrigation water-use efficiency and energetics under different irrigation levels and sowing methods. 2018 Gurvinder Singh, Subhash Chandra and Vinod Kumar (2016). Wheat (Triticum aestivum) productivity, profitability, irrigation water-use efficiency and energetics under different irrigation levels and sowing methods. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61 (3): 336-341.
30 Dr Vinod Kumar Assessment and Indexing of Groundwater Quality of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand forDrinking and Irrigation Purposes. 2018 Neelam Bunkar and Vinod Kumar (2018). Assessment and Indexing of Groundwater Quality of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand forDrinking and Irrigation Purposes. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS), Vol. 8, Issue 10; October 2018; pp 1-24. ISSN No.: 2249-3905.
31 Dr Dheeraj Kumar Ground Water Quality Study of Upper Berach River Basin, Rajasthan State 2018 Pollution Research. 37 (4): 177-182.
32 Dr Dheeraj Kumar Ground Water Quality Study for Irrigation in Upper Berach River Basin, Rajasthan State, 2018 Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, 6 (2):44-53.
33 Dr Harish Chandra Performance Evaluation of Water Delivery System in Nanakmatta Canal Command Area 2018 Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 3 Issue 1, pp 6 – 11.
34 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance evaluation of different radiation models for sub humid region. 2017 Singh, Y.P.; V. Sharma and A.S. Tomar. 2017. Performance evaluation of different radiation models for sub humid region. Inter. J. Sci. Res. & Dev., 5(9): 492-497.
35 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Evaluation and calibration of temperature-based equations for estimating reference evapotranspiration in sub-humid climatic conditions based on standardized Penman-Monteith equation. 2017 Garg, S. and A.S. Tomar. 2017. Evaluation and calibration of temperature-based equations for estimating reference evapotranspiration in sub-humid climatic conditions based on standardized Penman-Monteith equation. In: Proc. 30th National Convention of Agricultural Engineers & National Seminar on Technological Innovations for Enhancing Profitability of Small and Marginal Farmers, organized by Pantnagar Local Centre of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Feb. 27-28, 2017, pp. 131-135.
36 shiv kumar A study of ground water for irrigation purposes in SIDCUL- Rudrapur of Udham Singh Nagar District, Uttarakhand 2017 Environment and Ecology
37 Dr Mohan Lal Evaluation of the Soil Conservation Service curve number methodology using data from agricultural plots 2017 Hydrogeology Journal (Springer Publications)
38 Dr Mohan Lal Empirical evaluation of Soil Conservation Service Curve Number inspired sediment yield model 2017 Journal Soil and Water Conservation India
39 Dr Mohan Lal Plot Scale Assessment of Effect of Watershed Features on Runoff and Sediment Generation in Uttarakhand, India 2017 Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development
40 Dr Mohan Lal Sensor Cloud based Measurement to Management System for Precise Irrigation 2017 : GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, December 2017, 978-1-5090-5019-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
41 Dr Mohan Lal Runoff Curve Number for 36 Small Agricultural Plots at Two Different Climatic Conditions in India. In book: Development of Water Resources in India, Edition: vol 75, Chapter: 22, 2017 Water Science and Technology Library, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-319-55124-1 ISBN: 978-3-319-55125-8 (eBook)
42 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equation developed for Indian sub-humid conditions. 2016 Tomar, A.S. 2016. Performance of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equation developed for Indian sub-humid conditions. J. Agrometeo., 18(1): 76-82.
43 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Evaluation of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations versus FAO56-PM equation at sub-humid Hazaribagh region, India. 2016 Tomar, A.S. 2016. Evaluation of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations versus FAO56-PM equation at sub-humid Hazaribagh region, India. Inter. J. Agric. Sci. & Vet. Med., 4(2): 21-29.
44 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Drought analysis for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand (India). 2016 Sonakar, S.V.; V. Kumar and A.S. Tomar. 2016. Drought analysis for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand (India). Inter. J. Res. in Engg. and Appl. Sci., 6(4): 29-37.
45 Dr Mohan Lal Evaluation of SCS-CN inspired models and their comparison 2016 Journal of Indian Water Resource Society
46 Dr Mohan Lal Runoff Curve Number for 36 Small Agricultural Plots at Two Different Climatic Conditions in India 2016 national conference WRHP (Water Resource & Hydropower) held during 16-18th June, 2016, Dehradun. Pp-44
47 Dr Vinod Kumar Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds of Gagas River Valley using Remote Sensing and GIS. 2016 Krishan Kumar and Vinod Kumar (2016). Prioritization of Sub-Watersheds of Gagas River Valley using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS), Vol. 5, Issue 3; March 2016; pp 40-51. ISSN No.: 2249-3905.
48 Dr Vinod Kumar Optimization of Land and Water Resources in Nanakamatta Canal Command of Uttarakhand using Fuzzy Linear Programming. 2016 Vivekanand and Vinod Kumar (2016). Optimization of Land and Water Resources in Nanakamatta Canal Command of Uttarakhand using Fuzzy Linear Programming. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS), Vol. 5, Issue 3; March 2016; pp 1-9. ISSN No.: 2249-3905.
49 Dr Vinod Kumar Morphometric Analysis of Gagas River Valley Watershed in Almora District of Uttarakhand using Remote Sensing and GIS. 2016 Krishan Kumar and Vinod Kumar (2016). Morphometric Analysis of Gagas River Valley Watershed in Almora District of Uttarakhand using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research (IJESR), Volume 4, Issue 4; April 2016, pp 144-157. ISSN No. 2347-6532.
50 Dr Vinod Kumar Drought Analysis for Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand (India). 2016 S.V. Sonakar, Vinod Kumar and A.S. Tomar (2016). Drought Analysis for Udham Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand (India). International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS), Vol. 6, Issue 4; April 2016; pp 29-37. ISSN No.: 2249-3905.
51 Dr Vinod Kumar Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection in Gagas River Valley Watershed using Remote Sensing and GIS. 2016 Krishan Kumar, Vinod Kumar and Devendra Kumar (2016). Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection in Gagas River Valley Watershed using Remote Sensing and GIS. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJREAS), Vol. 6, Issue 5; May 2016; pp 31-37. ISSN No.: 2249-3905.
52 Dr Harish Chandra Probability Analysis of Rainfall at Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhanad 2016 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6 Issue 11, pp. 56~66
53 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance evaluation of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations at Tarai region of Uttarakhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; V. Kumar and H.C. Sharma. 2015. Performance evaluation of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations at Tarai region of Uttarakhand. In: Proc. All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, organized by Pantnagar Local Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Jun. 12-13, 2015, pp. 116-123.
54 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Evaluating developed radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations for sub-humid Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; V. Kumar and H.C. Sharma. 2015. Evaluating developed radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations for sub-humid Hazaribagh district of Jharkhand. In: Proc. 49th ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium on “Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Processing” held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab from Feb. 23-25, 2015 (SWE-2015-WMT-37), pp. 186.
55 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Rainfall variability analysis of Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; P.V. Singh and O.P. Kumar. 2015. Rainfall variability analysis of Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand. Inter. J. Res. Advent Tech., 3(2): 60-84.
56 Dr Mohan Lal Physical verification of the effect of land features and antecedent moisture on runoff curve number 2015 Catena (Elsevier publications)
57 Dr Mohan Lal Characterization of Surface Runoff, Soil Erosion, Nutrient Loss and their Relationship for Agricultural Plots in India 2015 Current World Environment
58 Dr Mohan Lal Curve number derivation for experimental plots of different slopes, hydrologic soil groups and land uses 2015 20th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and River Engineering, 17-19 December, 2015, at IIT Roorkee, India, Volume: HYDRO 2015 INTERNATIONAL. Pp 64.
59 Dr Vinod Kumar Optimization of land and water resource in Nakatiya Minor Canal command area in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. 2015 G.S. Yurembum, and Vinod Kumar (2015). Optimization of land and water resource in Nakatiya Minor Canal command area in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), Issue 11, Volume 3, pp. 213-216, December-2014 to February-2015. ISSN No. 2279-0047.
60 Dr Vinod Kumar Optimization of land and water resource in Nakatiya Minor Canal command area in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. 2015 G.S. Yurembum and Vinod Kumar (2015). Optimization of land and water resource in Nakatiya Minor Canal command area in Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS), 11(3): 213-216.
61 Dr Vinod Kumar Effect of Guar gum polymer treatment on infiltration behaviour of soils. 2015 Asima Jillani, Akhilesh Kumar and Vinod Kumar (2015). Effect of Guar gum polymer treatment on infiltration behaviour of soils. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. Vol. 43(3):262-265. ISSN No. 0970-3349
62 Dr Vinod Kumar Status of Available Macro and Micronutrients in the Soils of Someshwar Watershed in Almora District of Uttarakhand. 2015 G.S. Yurembam, Harish Chandra and Vinod Kumar (2015). Status of Available Macro and Micronutrients in the Soils of Someshwar Watershed in Almora District of Uttarakhand. The Eco-Scan, 9(3&4): 725-730. ISSN No. 0974-0376
63 Dr Dheeraj Kumar Reference Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Artificial Neural Network for Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India) 2015 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,14(2): 160-167
64 Dr Harish Chandra Mapping of Soil Micronutrients in Someshwar Agricultural Watershed using IDW Interpolation Approach 2015 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, Issue 12, Volume 3, pp. 220-225
65 Dr Harish Chandra Status of Available Macro and Micro Nutrient in the Soils of Someshwar Watershed in Almora District of Uttarakhand 2015 The Ecoscan, Issue 9, Volume 3&4, pp 725-730
66 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Future monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall trend prediction for Tarai region of Uttarakhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; P.V. Singh and O.P. Kumar. 2015. Future monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall trend prediction for Tarai region of Uttarakhand. Amer. Inter. J. Res. Sci., Tech., Engg. & Maths, 9(1): 74-76.
67 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Investigating drought spells with different approaches for Nainital district of Uttarakhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; O.P. Kumar and P.V. Singh. 2015. Investigating drought spells with different approaches for Nainital district of Uttarakhand. Inter. J. Res. Advent Tech., 3(3): 30-35.
68 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Drought spells identification with indices for Almora district of Uttarakhand, India. 2015 Tomar, A.S.; B. Negi and L. Singh. 2015. Drought spells identification with indices for Almora district of Uttarakhand, India. Amer. Inter. J. Res. Sci., Tech., Engg. & Maths, 12(1): 1-5.
69 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations vs FAO 56-PM model at sub-humid region of Uttarakhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S. and O.P. Kumar. 2015. Performance of radiation-based reference evapotranspiration equations vs FAO 56-PM model at sub-humid region of Uttarakhand. Inter. J. Res. Advent Tech., 3(6): 51-57.
70 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Relationship between rainfall amount, mean daily rainfall intensity and rainy days at Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand, India. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Relationship between rainfall amount, mean daily rainfall intensity and rainy days at Udham Singh Nagar district, Uttarakhand, India. Inter. J. Agric. Sci. & Vet. Med., 3(1): 50-57.
71 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance evaluation of mass transfer-based evapotranspiration equations with FAO-56 PM model as index at Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Performance evaluation of mass transfer-based evapotranspiration equations with FAO-56 PM model as index at Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. Inter. J. Agric. Sci. & Vet. Med., 3(4): 5-12.
72 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Inter-relationship between reference evapotranspiration and meteorological factors at Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Inter-relationship between reference evapotranspiration and meteorological factors at Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. Inter. J. Agric. Sci. & Vet. Med., 3(1): 40-43.
73 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Development and comparative evaluation of radiation-based evapotranspiration equations for sub-humid Hazaribagh region of Jharkhand. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Development and comparative evaluation of radiation-based evapotranspiration equations for sub-humid Hazaribagh region of Jharkhand. Agric. Eng. Int.: CIGR Journal, 17(3): 10-20.
74 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Comparative performance of reference evapotranspiration equations at sub-humid Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Comparative performance of reference evapotranspiration equations at sub-humid Tarai region of Uttarakhand, India. Inter. J. Agric. Res., ISSN 1816-4897 / DOI: 10.3923/ijar.2015.
75 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Agricultural drought assessment for crop planning at Nainital (Uttarakhand), India. 2015 Tomar, A.S. 2015. Agricultural drought assessment for crop planning at Nainital (Uttarakhand), India. Inter. J. Agric. Sci. & Vet. Med., 3(1): 64-68.
76 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Drought analysis for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. 2015 Sonakar, S.V.; V. Kumar; A.S. Tomar and H.C. Sharma. 2015. Drought analysis for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. In: Proc. All India Seminar on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, organized by Pantnagar Local Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Jun. 12-13, 2015, pp. 76-80.
77 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Analysis of shallow aquifer groundwater quality in Gadarpur & Bajpur blocks of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. 2015 Kumar, V.; A.S. Tomar and H.C. Sharma. 2015. Analysis of shallow aquifer groundwater quality in Gadarpur & Bajpur blocks of Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand. In: Proc. 49th ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium on “Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Processing”, held at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab from Feb. 23-25, 2015 (SWE-2015-WMT-52), pp. 191.
78 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of pumping mains considering pump characteristics. 2014 Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 04013010-1 - 04013010-6.
79 Dr Mohan Lal Experimental verification of the effect of slope and land use on SCS runoff curve number 2014 Water Resources Management (Springer Publications)
80 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Drought analysis of Nainital district for crop planning. 2014 Tomar, A.S.; V. Kumar and H. Chandra. 2014. Drought analysis of Nainital district for crop planning. In: Proc. All India Seminar on Emerging Technology for Sustainable Resource Management organized by Pantnagar Local Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, Pantnagar from Mar. 13-14, 2014, pp. 1-7.
81 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Cumulative weekly and monthly rainfall prediction with Growth models. 2014 Tomar, A.S.; A. Prasad and G. Rawat. 2014. Cumulative weekly and monthly rainfall prediction with Growth models. Amer. Inter. J. Res. Sci., Tech., Engg. & Maths, 8(1): 73-74.
82 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Relationship among rainfall quantity, average daily rainfall concentration and rainy days at Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). 2014 Tomar, A.S. and V. Kumar. 2014. Relationship among rainfall quantity, average daily rainfall concentration and rainy days at Pantnagar (Uttarakhand). In: Proc. National Seminar on Natural Resource Management & Environment Concerns (NRMEC-2014) organized at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, held from May 16-18, 2014, Theme-I: Natural Resource Management, pp. I-121 – I-126.
83 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Rainfall variability analysis of New Delhi. 2014 Tomar, A.S. and V. Kumar. 2014. Rainfall variability analysis of New Delhi. In: Proc. All India Seminar on Emerging Technology for Sustainable Resource Management organized by Pantnagar Local Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, Pantnagar from Mar. 13-14, 2014, pp. 24-26.
84 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Study of precipitation indices for drought intensity at New Delhi, India. 2014 Tomar, A.S. 2014. Study of precipitation indices for drought intensity at New Delhi, India. Amer. Inter. J. Res. Sci., Tech., Engg. & Maths, 8(1): 46-49.
85 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Statistical performance of daily maximum and monthly rainfall at Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand). 2014 Tomar, A.S. 2014. Statistical performance of daily maximum and monthly rainfall at Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand). In: Proc. International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agrometeorology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-2014) held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Oct. 16-18, 2014, Paper No. NASA/T10-12, Theme-10: Role of Meteorology in Disaster Risk Reduction, pp. 360.
86 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Short duration rainfall analysis for crop planning in Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. 2014 Tomar, A.S. 2014. Short duration rainfall analysis for crop planning in Kumaon region of Uttarakhand. In: Proc. International Symposium on New Dimensions in Agrometeorology for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA-2014) held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Oct. 16-18, 2014, Paper No. NASA/T5-110, Theme-5: Natural Resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture, pp. 218.
87 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Predicting pan evaporation from meteorological parameters at Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India). 2014 Tomar, A.S. 2014. Predicting pan evaporation from meteorological parameters at Tarai region of Uttarakhand (India). Inter. J. Res. Advent Tech., 2(12): 107-108.
88 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Forecasting cumulative precipitation with growth models for Nainital, Uttarakhand. 2014 Tomar, A.S. 2014. Forecasting cumulative precipitation with growth models for Nainital, Uttarakhand. Inter. J. Res. Advent Tech., 2(11): 50-52.
89 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Shallow groundwater quality in the inter-basin of Boar and Gola river in Uttarakhand. 2014 Kumar, V.; A.S. Tomar and H.C. Sharma. 2014. Shallow groundwater quality in the inter-basin of Boar and Gola river in Uttarakhand. In: Proc. National Seminar on Natural Resource Management & Environment Concerns (NRMEC-2014) organized at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, held from May 16-18, 2014, Theme-I: Natural Resource Management, I-96 – I-99.
90 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Irrigation water demand, canal and ground water availability for conjunctive use in Nanakmatta canal command area. 2014 Chandra, H.; H.C. Sharma and A.S. Tomar. 2014. Irrigation water demand, canal and ground water availability for conjunctive use in Nanakmatta canal command area. In: Proc. All India Seminar on Emerging Technology for Sustainable Resource Management organized by Pantnagar Local Chapter of The Institution of Engineers (India) at College of Technology, Pantnagar from Mar. 13-14, 2014, pp. 12-19.
91 shiv kumar Effect of Fertilizer Factory Effluent on Wheat Crop : A Case Stuidy 2013 Access International Journal of Agricultural Sciences
93 Dr Vinod Kumar Resource Optimization in Tube Well Command Area. 2013 G.S. Yurembum, Vinod Kumar and R.A. Parrey (2013). Resource Optimization in Tube Well Command Area. Pantnagar Journal of Research. Vol 11(2), May-August 2013. pp 276-280. ISSN No. 0972-8813.
94 Dr Harish Chandra Fuzzy logic rule-based modelling of natural spring flow in a hilly catchment of Tehri-Garhwal district, Uttarakhand India 2013 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, Vol. 3, NO. 4, pp 289 – 307.
95 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Relationship between potential evapotranspiration and meteorological parameters at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. 2013 Tomar, A.S.; V. Kumar and H.C. Sharma. 2013. Relationship between potential evapotranspiration and meteorological parameters at Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. In: Proc. National Seminar on Technological Interventions for Sustainable Hill Development organized by College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Jun. 17-19, 2013 (RWHR-IV-18), pp. 54.
96 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Integrated water management decision support systems – A critical review. 2013 Tomar, A.S. and V. Kumar. 2013. Integrated water management decision support systems – A critical review. In: Proc. 47th ISAE Annual Convention and International Symposium on “Bio-Energy – Challenges and Opportunities” held at Hyderabad from Jan. 28-30, 2013 (SWC-OFWM-06), pp. 147.
97 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Determining consecutive days’ maximum rainfall from one day maximum rainfall for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand state. 2013 Tomar, A.S. and V. Kumar. 2013. Determining consecutive days’ maximum rainfall from one day maximum rainfall for Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand state. In: Proc. 47th ISAE Annual Convention and International Symposium on “Bio-Energy – Challenges and Opportunities” held at Hyderabad from Jan. 28-30, 2013 (SWC-PP-02), pp. 206.
98 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Effect of monsoon on quality of shallow water at Pantnagar university campus. 2013 Kumar, V.; H.C. Sharma and A.S. Tomar. 2013. Effect of monsoon on quality of shallow water at Pantnagar university campus. In: Proc. 47th ISAE Annual Convention and International Symposium on “Bio-Energy – Challenges and Opportunities” held at Hyderabad from Jan. 28-30, 2013 (SWC-GWM-01), pp. 191.
99 Pramod Kumar Singh . Nutritional status of soil under under litchi orchards of Uttarakhand. 2012 Journal of soil and water conservation, 11(3):239-243.
100 Dr R P Singh Saving time in sprinkler irrigation application through cyclic operation: a theoretical approach. 2012 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE, Wiley Online Library, Irrig. and Drain. 61:PP. 631-635. DOI: 10.1002/ird.1674
101 shiv kumar Ground Water Modelling for Ramganga-Kosi Interbasin, Using Artificial Neural Networks 2012 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 239-251.
102 shiv kumar Study of Sruge Irigation in Tarai Soils of Uttarakhand 2012 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 227-237
103 Dr Harish Chandra Morphometric analysis of Maun watershed in Tehri-Garhwal district of Uttarakhand using GIS 2012 International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences Volume 3, No 2, pp 373-387
104 shiv kumar Irrigation Requirement of Some Major Crops in District Saharanpur of Uttar Pradesh 2011 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 131-145.
105 shiv kumar Study of Hyudraulic and Soil Properties for Humid (Tarai) Region of Uttarakhand 2011 Journal of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XXIV-No. 1 and 2,
106 Dr Harish Chandra Optimum Cropping Pattern Based on Rainfall in a Canal Command Area 2011 International Journal of Water Resources and Environment Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 91-102
107 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Decision support systems for integrated water management: A review. 2011 Tomar, A.S., H.C. Sharma, Y. Kumar and V. Kumar. 2011. Decision support systems for integrated water management: A review. In: Proc. National Seminar on Strategic Resource Management for Sustainable Food and Water Security held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Jun. 13-15, 2011.
108 shiv kumar Steady state flow to a Cavity well in a Leaky Artesian Aquifer 2010 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 17-25.
109 shiv kumar Application of Principal Component Analysis to study the Effect of Fertilizer Factory Effluent and Aril River Water on the Quality of Water of Unconfined Aquifer of nearby area 2010 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 27-38.
110 shiv kumar Unsteady Flow to a Cavity Well of Finite Diameter in a Leaky Artesian Aquifer. 2010 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 203-214
111 Dr Vinod Kumar Prevention of Conveyance Losses in Canal Irrigation Network. 2010 Vinod Kumar (2010). Prevention of Conveyance Losses in Canal Irrigation Network. In: Water Conservation and Utilization in Agricultural Production. Eds. S.K. Saini and Subhash Chandra. Satish Serial Publishing House, Delhi. pp375-385.
112 Dr R P Singh Design methodology for two pipe sizes sprinkler lateral. 2009 Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India (Agricultural Engineering Division Board) Vol. (90) pp.20-23.
113 shiv kumar Water Table Fluctuations in an Unconfined Aquifer with Horizontal Heterogenity 2009 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Special Issue, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 75-86.
114 Pramod Kumar Singh Effect of micro irrigation and fertigation on fruit yield and fruit cracking of litchi ( Litchi chinensis) in Tarai condition of Uttarakhand. 2008 Indian J of Agricultural Sciences. 78(12): 1075-77.
115 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of pressurized irrigation subunit. 2008 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 134 No. 2, pp. 137 – 146.
116 Pramod Kumar Singh Water Requirement of Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) Crop under Drip Irrigation in Different Mango Growing Belts of Uttarakhand. 2007 Pantnagar Journal Research. 5(2) 131-134.
117 shiv kumar Ground Water Modelling of Prediction of Water Table Depth in Ramganga-Bhagul Interbasin of Uttar Pradesh. 2007 Hydrology Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1-2, March-June, 2007, pp. 123-133.
118 shiv kumar Comparative Performance of Artificial Neural Network and Statistical Approach in Ground Water Modelling for Ramganga-Bhagul Interbasin 2007 Journal of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XX, No. 4, October, pp. 71-82.
119 Dr Vinod Kumar Performance evaluation of various sowing techniques in wheat crop. 2007 Sushil Sharma, J.P. Singh, Vinod Kumar and R.K. Srivastava (2007). Performance evaluation of various sowing techniques in wheat crop. Journal of Research, SKUAST-J, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp176 - 185. ISSN No. 0972-7469.
120 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Water conservation strategies for food processing industries. 2007 Tomar, A.S. 2007. Water conservation strategies for food processing industries. In: Proc. Water Management in Food Processing Industry held at Department of Post Harvest Process & Food Engineering, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from May 23-24, 2007 sponsored by TEQIP.
121 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Efficient crop planning based on probability occurrence of rainfall and agricultural drought spells for water scarce Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India. 2007 Tomar, A.S. 2007. Efficient crop planning based on probability occurrence of rainfall and agricultural drought spells for water scarce Kumaon region of Uttarakhand, India. Salokhe, V.M., Jayasuriya, H.P.W. and Soni, P. (eds.). In: Proc. International Agricultural Engineering Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies and Innovations on Sustainable Resources for World Food Sufficiency held at Bangkok, Thailand from Dec. 3-6, 2007.
122 Pramod Kumar Singh Integrated water and Nutrient Management of Mango Crop in Tarai Region of Uttaranchal. 2006 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India). 87:24-26.
123 Pramod Kumar Singh Water Requirement of Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) Crop in Different Agro-climatic regions of India. 2006 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India). 88:30-34.
124 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of intermediate storage for adoption of micro irrigation in canal command area. 2006 Journal of the Institution of Engineers India, Vol. 87 pp. 19 - 24.
125 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Role of remote sensing technique for sustainable water resources management in India. 2006 Tomar, A.S.; H.C. Sharma, V. Kumar, H. Chandra and S. Roy. 2006. Role of remote sensing technique for sustainable water resources management in India. In: Proc. National SURED Seminar on Threatening Crises for Natural Resources and their Judicious Management: A Need for Sustainable Development held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Dec. 23-25, 2006 sponsored by DAAD, Germany.
126 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Study of rainfall variation and its probable occurrence at Almora in Uttaranchal. 2006 Tomar, A.S.; H. Chandra and H.C. Sharma. 2006. Study of rainfall variation and its probable occurrence at Almora in Uttaranchal. In: Proc. National SURED Seminar on Threatening Crises for Natural Resources and their Judicious Management: A Need for Sustainable Development held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Dec. 23-25, 2006 sponsored by DAAD, Germany.
127 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Rainfall analysis for ensuring soil moisture availability at dryland areas of semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2006 Tomar, A.S. 2006. Rainfall analysis for ensuring soil moisture availability at dryland areas of semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 5(1): 1-5.
128 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Use of heavy land development machines for natural resource management at Baroli watershed, Indore (M.P.). 2006 Ranade, D.H. and Tomar, A.S. 2006. Use of heavy land development machines for natural resource management at Baroli watershed, Indore (M.P.). In: Proc. National SURED Seminar on Threatening Crises for Natural Resources and their Judicious Management: A Need for Sustainable Development held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Dec. 23-25, 2006 sponsored by DAAD, Germany.
129 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Water resource management in canal command area: A case study. 2006 Chandra, H.; A.S. Tomar, C. Lal and H.C. Sharma. 2006. Water resource management in canal command area: A case study. In: Proc. National SURED Seminar on Threatening Crises for Natural Resources and their Judicious Management: A Need for Sustainable Development held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Dec. 23-25, 2006 sponsored by DAAD, Germany.
130 Dr Vinod Kumar Rainfall Analysis for Designing Soil and Water Conservation Structures for Jammu Region. 2005 A.K. Raina, R.K. Srivastava and Vinod Kumar (2005). Rainfall Analysis for Designing Soil and Water Conservation Structures for Jammu Region. Journal of Research, SKUAST-J, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp96 - 101. ISSN No. 0972-7469.
131 Dr Vinod Kumar Steady state drainage of anisotropic heterogeneous soils. 2005 Vinod Kumar, A.K. Raina and R.K. Srivastava (2005). Steady state drainage of anisotropic heterogeneous soils. Journal of Research, SKUAST-J, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp192 - 197. ISSN No. 0972-7469.
132 Dr Harish Chandra Simple approach for designing the Check irrigation system 2005 Journal of Agricultural Engineering , Volume No. 42, No. 4, Page 28 to 31.
133 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Managing natural resources through land development activities at Baroli watershed of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. 2005 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2005. Managing natural resources through land development activities at Baroli watershed of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. In: Proc. National Conference on Watershed Management for Sustainable Production, Livelihood and Environmental Security held at College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from May 19-21, 2005 sponsored by Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi. Section I: 12-13.
134 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Agroclimatological studies for semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2005 Tomar, A.S. 2005. Agroclimatological studies for semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. In: Proc. National Conference on Watershed Management for Sustainable Production, Livelihood and Environmental Security held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar from May 19-21, 2005 sponsored by the Soil Conservation Society of India, New Delhi, Section IV: 60-61.
135 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Suitability of semi-permanent structures in gully reclamation in black soils of Malwa region. 2005 Ranade, D.H., L.K. Jain and A.S. Tomar. 2005. Suitability of semi-permanent structures in gully reclamation in black soils of Malwa region. Agril. Engg. Today, 29(5-6): 77-84.
136 Dr Vinod Kumar Conjunctive Use Planning of Surface and Subsurface Water Resources for Optimal Crop Production: A Case Study. 2004 R.K. Srivastava, Vinod Kumar, A.K. Raina and J.P. Singh (2004). Conjunctive Use Planning of Surface and Subsurface Water Resources for Optimal Crop Production: A Case Study. Journal of Applied Hydrology (JAH). Vol. XVII, No. 2&3, pp 6-14. ISSN No. 0971-670X.
137 Dr Vinod Kumar Development and performance evaluation of paddle operated dal mill. 2004 Vinod Kumar, U.S. Agrawal, R.K. Srivastava and J.P. Singh (2004). Development and performance evaluation of paddle operated dal mill. Journal of Research, SKUAST-J. Vol.3 No.2, pp 152-160. ISSN No. 0972-7469.
138 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Modelling cumulative rainfall by growth models for rainfed Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2004 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2004. Modelling cumulative rainfall by growth models for rainfed Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Agril. Sci., 74(1): 108-109.
139 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar GPS technology. 2004 Tomar, A.S. 2004. GPS technology. In: Proc. Summer School on “Prospects and Constraints to Mechanization of Hill Agriculture” held at Dept. of Farm Machinery & Power Engineering, College of Technology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar from Jun. 04-24, 2004 sponsored by Indian Council for Agricultural Research, New Delhi, pp. 155-158.
140 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Natural resource management through land development process – A case study. 2004 Ranade, D.H. and A.S. Tomar. 2004. Natural resource management through land development process – A case study. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 32(1): 74-75.
141 Pramod Kumar Singh Feature based ANN model for estimation of reference evapotranspiration. 2003 J. of Experimental Botany, Oxford University Press, (54) 41
142 Pramod Kumar Singh Scheduling drip irrigation of young mango crop by tensiometer. 2003 J. of Experimental Botany, Oxford University Press, (54): 33-34 (
143 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of multi - diameter multi- outlet pipeline 2003 Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129 No.3, pp. 226 - 233.
144 Dr R P Singh Computing inlet pressure head of multi-outlet pipeline 2003 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 129 No. 6, pp. 464 – 468.
145 Dr Harish Chandra Optimum check basin size for irrigating wheat crop in loamy soil 2003 Indian Water Resources Society, Vol. 23, No. 2, PP: 47-50.
146 Dr Harish Chandra Optimum cropping pattern in canal command area 2003 Journal of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XVI, No. 2, pp. 53-60.
147 Dr Harish Chandra Design of Level Irrigation Check Basins 2003 Journal of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XVI, No. 3, PP: 22-27
148 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Determining site-specific pan coefficient values for water management at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 2003 Tomar, A.S. and D. H. Ranade. 2003. Determining site-specific pan coefficient values for water management at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. In: Proc. 06th Agricultural Science Congress held at Bhopal from Feb. 13-15, 2003 organized by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.
149 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Study on growth, yield, water use and shoot-root characteristics of bush snap bean as influenced by microirrigation and surface method of irrigation. 2003 Tomar, A.S. 2003. Study on growth, yield, water use and shoot-root characteristics of bush snap bean as influenced by microirrigation and surface method of irrigation. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 31(2): 157-161.
150 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Site-specific pan coefficient values for efficient management of irrigation water resources for agricultural production at rainfed Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2003 Tomar, A.S. 2003. Site-specific pan coefficient values for efficient management of irrigation water resources for agricultural production at rainfed Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. In: Proc. 18th M.P. Young Scientist Congress held at M.P. Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal on Feb. 28, 2003 organized by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal, pp. 1.
151 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Water balance study in a watershed of Malwa region. 2003 Ranade, D.H., J. Singh and A.S. Tomar. 2003. Water balance study in a watershed of Malwa region. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 2(1&2): 40-43.
152 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Natural resource management through land development process. 2003 Ranade, D.H. and A.S. Tomar. 2003. Natural resource management through land development process. In: Proc. 37th ISAE Annual Convention & Symposium on Negotiating Drought through Engineering Interventions in Agriculture, held at College of Technology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur from Jan. 29-31, 2003 organized at New Delhi, Section IV: 83-85.
153 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Land development process for natural resource conservation in black soils. 2003 Ranade, D.H. and A.S. Tomar. 2003. Land development process for natural resource conservation in black soils. In: Proc. 06th Agricultural Science Congress held at Bhopal from Feb. 13-15, 2003 organized by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.
154 Dr R P Singh Microirrigation lateral design using lateral discharge equation 2002 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.128 No.2, pp.125-128.
155 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Crop planning in Vertisols based on monsoon period rainfall analysis. 2002 Tomar, A.S.; D.H. Ranade, L.K. Jain and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2002. Crop planning in Vertisols based on monsoon period rainfall analysis. Ind. J. Agril. Sci., 72(6): 362-363.
156 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Weekly rainfall and drought analysis for semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2002 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2002. Weekly rainfall and drought analysis for semi-arid Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 1(4): 236-242.
157 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Prediction of consecutive days’ maximum rainfall for Indore. 2002 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2002. Prediction of consecutive days’ maximum rainfall for Indore. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 46(1): 16-20.
158 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Predicting cumulative rainfall deficits by Gompertz growth model. 2002 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2002. Predicting cumulative rainfall deficits by Gompertz growth model. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 30(1): 101-103.
159 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Effectiveness of gully plug structures (gabion) for retaining silt load in gullied portions. 2002 Ranade, D.H.; L.K. Jain, S.K. Vishwakarma and A.S. Tomar. 2002. Effectiveness of gully plug structures (gabion) for retaining silt load in gullied portions. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 30(2): 190-195.
160 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Economic feasibility of growing medicinal crops under irrigation through water-harvesting tank with gabions in Vertisols of Malwa region. 2002 Ranade, D.H., L.K. Jain, S.K. Vishwakarma and A.S. Tomar. 2002. Economic feasibility of growing medicinal crops under irrigation through water-harvesting tank with gabions in Vertisols of Malwa region. Ind. J. Agril. Sci., 72(6): 325-328.
161 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Monthly rainfall probability distributions of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. 2002 Ranade, D.H., A.S. Tomar and V.K. Paradkar. 2002. Monthly rainfall probability distributions of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 1(4): 233-235.
162 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Water balance study of a water harvesting tank located in Vertisols of Malwa region. 2002 Ranade, D.H., A.S. Tomar and J. Singh. 2002. Water balance study of a water harvesting tank located in Vertisols of Malwa region. Ind. J. Dryland Agric. Res. & Dev., 18(1): 100-102.
163 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Effectiveness of gully plug structures (gabion) for retaining silt load in gullied portions. 2002 Ranade, D.H. and A.S. Tomar. 2002. Effectiveness of gully plug structures (gabion) for retaining silt load in gullied portions. In: Proc. 67th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Soil Science held at JNKVV, Jabalpur from Nov. 11-15, 2002 organized by Indian Society of Soil Science, New Delhi.
164 Pramod Kumar Singh Effect of moisture stress on yield and water use efficiency of wheat in Uttar Pradesh hills. 2001 Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika.Vol.16(3&4):152-155.
165 Dr R P Singh Selection of sprinkler lateral for shorter life cycle. 2001 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.127 No.5, pp.277-280.
166 shiv kumar Subsurface drainage in horizontally heterogeneous soil 2001 Journal of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XIV No. 2 & 3, pp 49-58.
167 shiv kumar Draw down due to cyclic pumping in a non-penetrating well in an artesian aquifer 2001 Journal of Indian water Resources society Vol. 21 no 3, pp 140-145.
168 shiv kumar Ground Water Quality of pheatic aquifer in Tarai belt of Udham Singh Nagar District 2001 Jour., of Applied Hydrology, ol. XIV No. 4, pp 10-15.
169 shiv kumar Rainfall analysis of district Rampur of Uttar Pradesh for crop irrigation planning 2001 Journal of Indian water Resources society Vol. 21 no 4, pp 162-167.
170 Dr Harish Chandra Water Management in Richha Branch Canal Command - A case study 2001 Journal of Water and Energy International Vl. 58 (2) pp.52-57
171 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Estimation of annual maximum rainfall by probability models for Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Vishwakarma, S.K.; D.H. Ranade, V.K. Paradkar and A.S. Tomar. 2001. Estimation of annual maximum rainfall by probability models for Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh. J.N.K.V.V. Res. J., 35(1&2): 52-55.
172 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Effect of different irrigation methods on vegetative growth, water saving and water use efficiency of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). 2001 Tomar, A.S.; H.S. Chauhan and K.K. Singh. 2001. Effect of different irrigation methods on vegetative growth, water saving and water use efficiency of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). J. Ind. Wat. Resou. Soc., 21(3): 146-148.
173 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Predicting monthly rainfall for Chhindwara region by using Gompertz curve technique. 2001 Tomar, A.S.; D.H. Ranade, V.K. Paradkar, L.K. Jain and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2001. Predicting monthly rainfall for Chhindwara region by using Gompertz curve technique. Res. on Crops, 2(2): 251-252.
174 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Analysis of drought, dry and wet spells at Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Tomar, A.S.; D.H. Ranade, V.K. Paradkar, L.K. Jain and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2001. Analysis of drought, dry and wet spells at Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(3): 268-270.
175 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Forecasting monthly rainfall by Gompertz curve technique. 2001 Tomar, A.S.; D.H. Ranade, L.K. Jain, V.K. Paradkar and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2001. Forecasting monthly rainfall by Gompertz curve technique. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 45(3&4): 127-128.
176 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Predicting rainfall probability for irrigation scheduling in black clay soil Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2001. Predicting rainfall probability for irrigation scheduling in black clay soil Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(1): 82-83.
177 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Predicting consecutive day maximum rainfall from one day maximum rainfall for Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2001. Predicting consecutive day maximum rainfall from one day maximum rainfall for Indore region of Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(3): 271-75.
178 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Pan coefficient determination for evapotranspiration at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2001. Pan coefficient determination for evapotranspiration at Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(2): 173-175.
179 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance of gully plug structures (gabion) in black clay soil region - A case study. 2001 Ranade, D.H.; S.K. Vishwakarma, L.K. Jain, S.M. Narulkar and A.S. Tomar. 2001. Performance of gully plug structures (gabion) in black clay soil region - A case study. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(1): 88-90.
180 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Reduction in seepage rate and storage capacity of a dugout pond - A case study. 2001 Ranade, D.H.; A.S. Tomar, L.K. Jain and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2001. Reduction in seepage rate and storage capacity of a dugout pond - A case study. J. Soil and Wat. Conserv., 45 (1&2): 50-52.
181 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Studies on the effect of saline water irrigation on germination and biometric characteristics of wheat crop in semi-arid Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Raghuwanshi, S.R.S.; D.D. Dubey and A.S. Tomar. 2001. Studies on the effect of saline water irrigation on germination and biometric characteristics of wheat crop in semi-arid Malwa region of Madhya Pradesh. Crop Res., 22(3): 319-321.
182 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Study on the association of rainfall amount with rain events for Indore, Madhya Pradesh. 2001 Tomar, A.S. and D.H. Ranade. 2001. Study on the association of rainfall amount with rain events for Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Ind. J. Soil Cons., 29(3): 276-279.
183 Dr R P Singh Optimal design of tapered microirrigation submain manifolds. 2000 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.126 No.6, pp.371-374.
184 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Probability analysis of wet and dry spells for agricultural planning at Chhindwara (M.P.). 2000 Vishwakarma, S.K.; D.H. Ranade, V.K. Paradkar, L.K. Jain and A.S. Tomar. 2000. Probability analysis of wet and dry spells for agricultural planning at Chhindwara (M.P.). Ind. J. Agril. Sci., 70(10): 719-721.
185 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Study on rainfall pattern of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. 2000 Vishwakarma, S.K. and A.S. Tomar. 2000. Study on rainfall pattern of Chhindwara district of Madhya Pradesh. In: Proc. National Seminar on Agricultural Scenario - Challenges and Opportunities held at Gwalior from Nov. 11-12, 2000 organized by JNKVV, Jabalpur, pp. 101-103.
186 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Gompertz model for predicting monthly precipitation. 2000 Tomar, A.S. and S.K. Vishwakarma. 2000. Gompertz model for predicting monthly precipitation. In: Proc. National Seminar on Agricultural Scenario - Challenges and Opportunities, held at Gwalior from Nov. 11-12, 2000 organized by JNKVV, Jabalpur, pp. 89-90.
187 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Computerized automatic microirrigation - A modernized approach for Indian agriculture. 2000 Tomar, A.S. 2000. Computerized automatic microirrigation - A modernized approach for Indian agriculture. In: Proc. Third International R&D Conference on Sustainable Development of Water and Energy Resources held at Jabalpur (M.P.) from Feb. 29 – Mar. 03, 2000 organized by Central Board of Irrigation & Power, New Delhi, Water Resources, 2: CP-38.
188 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Studies on performance and cost-economics of drip irrigated sugarcane and grapes around Sangli region of Maharashtra state in India. 2000 Bendale, S.K.; H.S. Chauhan, K.K. Singh and A.S. Tomar. 2000. Studies on performance and cost-economics of drip irrigated sugarcane and grapes around Sangli region of Maharashtra state in India. In: Proc. International Conference on Micro and Sprinkler Irrigation Systems held at Jalgaon from Feb. 08-10, 2000 organized by CBIP, New Delhi.
189 Pramod Kumar Singh Subsurface drainage of a three layered soil with slowly permeable top layer. 1999 Agric Water Management, (42):97-109.
190 shiv kumar Analytical solution for steady state subsurface drainage with horizontal heterogeneity 1999 Jour. of Applied Hydrology, Vol. XII No. 2 & 3, pp 15-26.
191 Dr Vinod Kumar Optimum lining of distribution system of Bulandshahr distributary in Upper Ganga canal command: a case study. 1999 Vinod Kumar, Radhey Shyam and H.C. Sharma (1999). Optimum lining of distribution system of Bulandshahr distributary in Upper Ganga canal command: a case study. Water & Energy International, (C.B.I.P.), Vol.-56, No.-1, 41-45. ISSN No. 0974-4207.
192 Dr Vinod Kumar Numerical solution of two dimensional free surface flow to ditch drains in anisotropic soils. 1999 Vinod Kumar, C.S. Jaiswal and H.S. Chauhan (1999). Numerical solution of two dimensional free surface flow to ditch drains in anisotropic soils. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, No. 126 Vol.4 : 250-254. ISSN No. 0733-9437.
193 Dr Harish Chandra Evaluation of distribution efficiency in irrigated furrows 1999 Indian Farming. 48(11): 7-9.
194 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Probability analysis of rainfall at Chhindwara (M.P.). 1999 Vishwakarma, S.K.; D.H. Ranade, V.K. Paradkar, L.K. Jain and A.S. Tomar. 1999. Probability analysis of rainfall at Chhindwara (M.P.). J. of Agril. Engg., 36(4): 75-76.
195 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Influence of drip and other methods of irrigation on reproductive growth components and shoot-root characteristics of French bean. 1999 Tomar, A.S.; H.S. Chauhan and K.K. Singh. 1999. Influence of drip and other methods of irrigation on reproductive growth components and shoot-root characteristics of French bean. J. of Agril. Engg., 36(4): 43-48.
196 shiv kumar Performance of Distribution System in a Miner Canal Command; A case study 1998 Journal of Indian Water Resources Society. Vol. 18(4), No.-1 pp 29-31.
197 Dr Vinod Kumar Performance of distribution system in a minor canal command: a case study. Journal of Indian Water Resources Society. 1998 Vinod Kumar, H.C. Sharma and Shiv Kumar (1998). Performance of distribution system in a minor canal command: a case study. Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, Vol.-18(4), No.-1, 29-31. ISSN No. 0970-6984.
198 Dr Arvind Singh Tomar Performance and economics of drip irrigated grapes in Sangli region of Maharashtra. 1998 Bendale, S.K; H.S. Chauhan, K.K. Singh and A.S. Tomar. 1998. Performance and economics of drip irrigated grapes in Sangli region of Maharashtra. In: Proc. National Seminar on Microirrigation Research in India: Status and Perspectives for 21st Century held at WTCER, Bhubaneswar during Jul. 27-28, 1998, pp. 299-305.
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