Welcome to Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Department

Department Laboratory Details

S.N. Lab Name Description Image Link
1.Fluid Transport Machinery Lab This lab has different types of pumps and their cut section models to provide practical knowledge to students about pumping systems and their working. Not Available
2.Engineering of Bio Systems Lab This lab has a growth chamber well equipped with different equipments to grow different crops under simulated conditions. Not Available
3.Flow through Porous Media Lab This lab has specialized equipments such as horizontal and vertical Hele-Shaw models, heat conduction model, electrolytic tank model. This facility is used to simulate field conditions of ground water in to laboratory conditions. Not Available
4.Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Lab This lab has sand tank model, hydraulic tilting flume, drip – sprinklers which are used to give practical knowledge to students by simulating different field conditions of ground water pumping and different irrigation systems. Not Available
5.Water Quality Testing Lab This lab is well equipped with different equipments required for physical, chemical and micro-biological characteristics of water samples. Not Available
6.GIS and Remote Sensing Application Lab This is a newly established laboratory equipped with computer with GIS software. It can be used to analyse the Remote Sensing data for the study of different conditions existing of the ground surface, such as: watershed condition, different types of crops, forest, soil properties, water resources present in the area and their present condition, waterlogged and saline areas etc.
7.Computer Simulation Lab This lab has specialized computer and related equipments.

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