Welcome to Farm Machinery & Power Engineering Department

Publications Details

Sr.No. Author Name Title Year Complete Citation
1 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Modelling of Energy Consumption in Wheat Crop Production Using Artificial Neural Network in Himalayan Tarai Region of Uttarakhand 2020 Sharma, R.K., Singh T.P., Mandal, S., Bhattacharya, T.K. (2020) Modelling of Energy Consumption in Wheat Crop Production Using Artificial Neural Network in Himalayan Tarai Region of Uttarakhand. Current Science (Paper Communicated)
2 Dr Raj N Pateriya Comparison of Straw Chopper cum Incorporator with Existing Paddy Residue Management Technologies in Combine Harvested Paddy Field at North Western Region of India. 2020 Ch. Ramulu, R. N Pateriya and & M. Arjun Naik Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology (British Journal of Applied Science and Technology)39(14), 31-40.
3 Dr Raj N Pateriya Wear Studies of Soil Engaging Rotary Tools and their Wear Reduction Methods: A Review. 2020 Ch. Ramulu, G. Gayatri, A.K Dave, R.N Pateriya and M.Arjun Naik Multilogic in Science. IX (XXXII): 356-360.
4 Dr. Arun Kumar Design and Performance Evaluation of Self- Propelled Intra – Canopy Boom Spraying System 2020 Bhabani Shankar Dash, Arun Kumar, Rajesh U Modi and Sharad Kr Namdev. 2020. . Design and Performance Evaluation of Self- Propelled Intra – Canopy Boom Spraying System Journal of Agric. Engineering. 57(3): 195-
5 Jayant Singh Methy Ester of Cottonseed Oil Blended with Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel on a Multi-Cylinder CI Engine. 2019 Rajesh U.Modi,Jayant Singh, T.K.Bhattacharya and T.P. (2019).Methy Ester of Cottonseed Oil Blended with Ethanol as a Renewable Fuel on a Multi-Cylinder CI Engine.Agricultural Engineering Today. 43(1):20-26.
6 Jayant Singh Influence of Storage Conditions on Fuel Functionality of Palm Oil Methyl Ester. 2019 S. Nandi; J. Singh and S. Gangil 2019. Influence of Storage Conditions on Fuel Functionality of Palm Oil Methyl Ester in Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. Pp 32(3) : 1-14
7 Dr Raj N Pateriya Study on Vibration Reduction on a Power Tiller 2019 Pooja and Pateriya, R. N. Proceeding of 53rd Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers and International Symposium on “Engineering Technologies for Precision and Climate Smart Agriculture” Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP. Pp 178.
8 Dr. Arun Kumar Vibration Analysis of Thresher for Determining Optimum Operational Conditions 2019 Deepshikha Azad, Arun Kumar, and Rajat Kumar Sharma. 2019. Vibration Analysis of Thresher for Determining Optimum Operational Conditions. Paper ID No. ISAE-2019/FMP/PPT-15. 53rd Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on Engineering Technologies for Precision and Climate Smart Agriculture “Institute of Agricultural Sciences, BHU, Varanasi. Jan 29-30, 2019
9 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Assessment of loose residue entanglement in various patterns of furrow opener arrangement 2018 Sharma, Vineet and Singh, T. P. (2018) Assessment of loose residue entanglement in various patterns of furrow opener arrangement.Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol 55(1):15-24
10 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Effect of operational parameters on properties of Pine Needle-cattle dung briquettes 2018 Singh, T. P. and Kaur, Lovepreet (2018). Effect of operational parameters on properties of Pine Needle-cattle dung briquettes. Agricultural Engineering Today,42(2):28-36(ISAE Best Paper Award)
11 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Mechanical Weeding in Sugarcane Crop: A Comparative Study published by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany 2018 Tejas Ashok Bhosale and T P Singh ISBN No.978-3-330-00228-9
12 Jayant Singh Studies on Performance evaluation of vertical rotary plough. 2018 Chandrashekar and Singh, Jayant 2018, Studies on Performance evaluation of vertical rotary plough International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Volume 7(12):xx-xx
13 Jayant Singh A brief review on physical and mechanical properties of Indian subcontinent timber and their measurable characteristics . 2018 Annu Rani; Singh, Jayant and Singh, T.P 2018.A brief review on physical and mechanical properties of Indian subcontinent timber and their measurable characteristics . Volume Issue 1-1000018 in SciFed Materials Research.
14 Jayant Singh Effect of operational Parameters on properties of pine needle –cattle dung briquettes. 2018 Singh ,T.P and lovepreet kaur (2018).Effect of operational Parameters on properties of pine needle –cattle dung briquettes.Agricultural Engineering Today,12(2:28-36
15 Dr Raj N Pateriya Machinery for Residue Management of different Crops. 2018 Ch Ramulu, Pateriya, R.N. and Azad Deepshikha. Journal of Pharmacology and Phytochemistry.7(6)Pp2203-2207.
16 Dr Raj N Pateriya Performance Evaluation of a Modified Offset Rotavator in Sapota Orchard. 2018 Lokesh Lohani, R.N. Pateriya, Jagdish and T.K. Bhattacharya. Proceeding of 52nd Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers and National Symposium on “Doubling Farmer’s Income Through Technological Interventions” Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat. Pp 170.
17 Dr Raj N Pateriya Effect of  - Ratio on Work Efficiency of Rotary Offset tiller in Litchi Orchard. 2018 Namdev, S.K., Pateriya, R. N., and Pandey, M. K. Agricultural Engineering Today, Vol. 42(1), pp. 58-67.
18 Dr. Arun Kumar Measurement of droplets produced by agricultural sprayers-A review 2018 Bhabani Shankar Dash and Arun Kumar, 2018. Measurement of droplets produced by agricultural sprayers-A review. Paper ID No. ISAE-2018/FMP/PPT-17. 52nd Annual Convention of ISAE and National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income Through Technological Interventions”. Anand Agriculture University, Anand, Jan 8-12 2018, Pg 213
19 Dr. Arun Kumar Evaluation of performance parameters of modified spice thresher for mustard (Brassica Nigra L.) Crop 2018 Deepshikha Azad ,Arun Kumar, and Rajat Kumar Sharma. 2018. Evaluation of performance parameters of modified spice thresher for mustard (Brassica Nigra L.) Crop. Paper ID No. ISAE-2018/FMP/PPT-15. 52nd Annual Convention of ISAE and National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income through Technological Interventions”. Anand Agriculture University, Anand, Jan 8-12 2018, Pg 212
20 Dr. Arun Kumar Effect of Nozzle Type, Pressure and Height on Spray Distribution Pattern and Droplet Characteristic 2018 Arun Kumar and Bhabani S dash. 2018. Effect of Nozzle Type, Pressure and Height on Spray Distribution Pattern and Droplet Characteristic. Proc. CIGR- AgEng2018 conference July 8–12 , 2018, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
21 Dr. Arun Kumar Effects of Mechanized Simultaneous Earthing Up and Urea Application on Maize (Zea mays L.)” 2018 Amit Bhatnagar, Arun Kumar and Gurvinder Singh . 2018. Effects of Mechanized Simultaneous Earthing Up and Urea Application on Maize (Zea mays L.)” . Proc. National Symposium on “Doubling Farmers’ Income Through Agronomic Interventions Under Changing Scenario" at, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology (MPUAT), Udaipur, Rajasthan from 24–26 October , 2018
22 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Development and performance evaluation of pedal operated winnowing fan forhill region 2017 Sharma, Ekta and Singh, T. P. (2017). Development and performance evaluation of pedal operated winnowing fan forhill region. In proceeding of National Seminar on Technological Innovations for Enhancing Profitability of Small and Marginal farms held at College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agric & Technology, Pantnagarwef Feb 27-28, pp:102-105
23 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Prospects and Strategies of Farm Mechanization inHills ofUttarakhand for Enhancing AgriculturalProduction 2017 Singh, T. P. (2017). Prospects and Strategies of Farm Mechanization inHills ofUttarakhand for Enhancing AgriculturalProduction.Science for Society 1(1): 43-47, January-April
24 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Book on “FARM MACHINERY” published by M/s PHI Learning PvtLdt, Delhi. 2017 Singh, T. P. INSB No.978-81-203-5259-9
25 Jayant Singh An experimental characterization of physical properties of timber woods. 2017 Annu Rani; Singh, Jayant and Singh, T.P 2017, An experimental characterization of physical properties of timber woods. journal-materials-science-researh-nanotechnology Volume 1, Issue 2
26 Dr Raj N Pateriya Performance Evaluation of A Modified offset Rotavator in Mango Orchard 2017 Namdev S. and Pateriya, R. N.Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 2, pp 25-34.
27 Dr Raj N Pateriya A Study on Torque Requirement of Rotavator with ADI Blades in Soilbin Condition. 2017 Akanksha Kumain1, R. N. Pateriya2, Rajat Kumar Sharma3, Ashish Chaudhary4 and T. K Bhattacharya International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research. GBPUA&T, Pantnagar
28 Dr Raj N Pateriya A Study on wear Characteristics and Material Composition of ADI Blades used in Rotavator 2017 Pateriya, R.N.,Sumit Tewari,T K Bhattacharya and Manish Tewari. International Journal of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA).
29 Dr Raj N Pateriya Agricultural Machinery for Doubling the Income of Farmers in the Context of Uttarakhand State. 2017 Pateriya, R.N.,T K Bhattacharya and Ch Ramulu. Published in the Proceeding of Convocation of GB Pant University.
30 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Performance Evaluation of A Modified Offset Rotavator in Guava Orchard 2017 Namdev, S.K., Pateriya, R. N., Shankar, B. and Modi, R., International Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. 10(2), pp. 70-77
31 Dr. Arun Kumar Fertilizer band placement-cum-earthing machine effects on growth, productivity and profilibility of maize(Zea mays) under varying nitrogen levels 2017 Amit Bhatnagar and Arun Kumar. 2017. Fertilizer band placement-cum-earthing machine effects on growth, productivity and profilibility of maize(Zea mays) under varying nitrogen levels. Indian Journal of Agronomy 62(1):78-82 (March 2017)
32 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Assessment of Power, Energy and Torque of Powered Disc through Soil Bin Study 2016 Kumar, Santosh and Singh, T. P. (2016). Assessment of Power, Energy and Torque of Powered Disc through Soil Bin Study. Journal of Agricultural Engineering.Vol. 53 (3):1-9 (ISAE best paper award-2016)
33 Dr Raj N Pateriya Evaluation of an Offset Rotavator for Different type of Orchards. 2016 Pateriya R.N., Pal R.&Bhimwal. Annals of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Vol. 36, pp. 262-268.
34 Jayant Singh Optimization of bio-composite material constituents for developing Yak saddle. 2016 D’Souza P.M, Singh Jayant, Singh T.P., Gope P.C. and Singh V.K. 2016. Optimization of bio-composite material constituents for developing Yak saddle. International Journal of Basice and Applied Agricultural Research, 14(2):220-224.
35 Jayant Singh Effect of Oxidation on Fuel Characteristics of Palm Oil Biodiesel During Storage in Nature Enviornment and Pollution Technology. 2016 S. Nandi; J. Singh and T.P. Singh 2016. Effect of Oxidation on Fuel Characteristics of Palm Oil Biodiesel During Storage in Nature Enviornment and Pollution Technology an International Quarterly Scientific Journal. Vol. 15, Pp 1257-1262
36 Dr Raj N Pateriya A Study on ADI Rotavator. Blades 2016 Rana M and Pateriya, R.N. Research in Environment and Life Sciences, Pp 871-874
37 Dr. Arun Kumar Machinery and technologies for crop production - A conservation agriculture approach 2016 Arun Kumar 2016. Machinery and technologies for crop production - A conservation agriculture approach. Proc. CIGR-AgEng 2016 conference, June. 26–29, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark
38 Dr. Arun Kumar Effect of type of cylinder, cylinder speed and concave clearance on threshing of coriander 2016 Arun Kumar and G Bhandari. 2016. Effect of type of cylinder, cylinder speed and concave clearance on threshing of coriander. Proc. CIGR- AgEng2016 conference June. 26–29, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark
39 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Assessment of physical properties of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.). 2015 Singh, Padam and Singh, T.P. (2015). Assessment of physical properties of gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.). Annals of Plant and Soil Research. Vol 17(45-47):45-47
40 Jayant Singh Fuel Properties of Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester Ethanol Blends. 2015 Sunderam P.K.; Singh,J; Bhattacharya, T.K. and Patel, S.K. 2015 .Fuel Properties of Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester Ethanol Blends. Environment & Ecology 33 (1A) : 362—366, Sciences 83 (7): 752–756.
41 Dr Raj N Pateriya A Study on Performance of A Rotavator as affected by its λ - ratio. 2015 Pateriya, R.N., Abhishek Kumar and Asish Chaudhary. A proceeding of 49th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and Symposium on Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Processing at Punjab Agricultural University of Ludhiana.
42 Jayant Singh Response of an engine to biofuel ethanol blends. 2014 Sunderam P.K.; Singh,J; Bhattacharya, T.K. and Patel,S.K. 2014.Response of an engine to biofuel ethanol blends. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America V(45), No.(3), Japan
43 Jayant Singh Fuel characteristics of blends of rice bran oil methyl ester and kerosene and its effect on engine performance. 2014 Singh, T. P.; Sumit Kumar and Singh, Jayant 2014. Fuel characteristics of blends of rice bran oil methyl ester and kerosene and its effect on engine performance. International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 12(2):268-276
44 Dr Raj N Pateriya A Study on Wear Characteristics and Material Composition of AdI Blades used in Rotavator. 2014 Pateriya, R.N. and Tewari, S. A proceeding of 48th Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and Symposium on Engineering Interventions in Conservation Agriculture. Maharana Pratap University of Agricultural and Technology, Udaipur.
45 Dr. Arun Kumar A Study on Tillage Systems and Crop Geometry for Mechanization of Sugarcane Harvesting in Northern Region of India 2014 Arun Kumar, T.C. Thakur and D. Ratnakiran Wankhade 2014. “A Study on Tillage Systems and Crop Geometry for Mechanization of Sugarcane Harvesting in Northern Region of India”. International Conclave on Sugar Crops & Sugar fest-2014, held at IISR, Lucknow during 15-17 Feb. 2014
46 Dr. Arun Kumar Design, Development and Performance Evaluation of Fertilizer Band Placement cum Earthing Machine for Maize (Zea mays)” 2014 Arun Kumar and Ahmad Hamza Umran. 2014. Design, Development and Performance Evaluation of Fertilizer Band Placement cum Earthing Machine for Maize (Zea mays)” Proc. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2014 held at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland, during July 6-10, 2014
47 Dr. Arun Kumar Evaluation of Pant-Winged Subsoiler in Relation to Soil Properties and Maize Crop Response 2014 Arun Kumar, Thakur, T C and Gautam R C 2014. Evaluation of Pant-Winged Subsoiler in Relation to Soil Properties and Maize Crop Response. Journal of Agric. Engineering. 51(2): 54-59
48 Dr. Arun Kumar ERGO 2012” Safety for All 2014 Humanizing Work and Work Environment 2014. “ERGO 2012” Safety for All. College of Home Science, GBPUAT, Pantnagar
49 Dr. Arun Kumar A Study on the Effect of Deep and Differential Depths Placement of Fertilizers on Potato Crop Response 2014 Karuna Murmu, T.C. Thakur Arun Kumar and D Singh. 2014. A Study on the Effect of Deep and Differential Depths Placement of Fertilizers on Potato Crop Response. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research. 3.1: 331-338
50 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Determination of he-buffalo leg sinkage through simulation in laboratory and field condition to assess reaction under the hooves 2013 Kumar, Santosh; Singh, T P and Singh, Jayant (2013).Determination of he-buffalo leg sinkage through simulation in laboratory and field condition to assess reaction under the hooves. Journal of Animal Sciences, 83 (7): 752–756
51 Jayant Singh Determination of engineering properties of jatropha curcas l. 2013 Sharma, S.C.; Singh, M.P.; Singh, Jayant, 2013. Determination of engineering properties of jatropha curcas l. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America,44(1):19-26.
52 Jayant Singh Determination of he-buffalo leg sinkage through simulation in laboratory and field condition to assess reaction under the hooves. 2013 Kumar, Santosh,; Singh T. P.; And Singh, Jayant. 2013. Determination of he-buffalo leg sinkage through simulation in laboratory and field condition to assess reaction under the hooves. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 83 (7): 752–756.
53 Dr Raj N Pateriya Suitability of an Offset Rotavator for Different type of Orchards. 2013 Pateriya, R.N. and Pal, R. A proceeding of XXVII Annual Convention of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and International Symposium on Bio-Energy-Challenges and Opportunities held and published by Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad Pp: 42.
54 Dr. Arun Kumar Performance Evaluation of Small Axial Flow Multicrop Thresher on Cowpea and Wheat 2013 Arun Kumar and Tarun Chaudhary. 2013. Performance Evaluation of Small Axial Flow Multicrop Thresher on Cowpea and Wheat. Paper ID No. ISAE-2013/FMP-T-3.4. The 47th Annual Convention of ISAE and International Symposium on Bio energy- Challenges and Opportunities scheduled to be organized at the ANGRAU, Hyderabad during 28th - 30th January 2013.
55 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Hand Tools and Equipment for Production Agriculture. Booklet published by FMP EnggDeptt, College of Technology,GBPUAT, Pantnagar 2012 Singh, T. P.
56 Dr Raj N Pateriya Ergonomic Evaluation of Working Women for Building Construction works. 2012 Pateriya, R.N., P. SINGH and M. TEWARI. A proceeding of the International Conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors ERGO 2012: Safety for all, held at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. Pp: 220.
57 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Studies on Wear Characteristics of Imported and Indigenous Rotavator Blades 2012 Pateriya, R.N., Nahide H.D. and Bhattacharya, T.K., A proceeding of the XXVI Convocation held and published by G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar Pp: 205
58 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Design Modifications of Mat Type Rice Transplanter 2012 Pateriya, R.N. and Datta, R.K., International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research (IJATER), ISSN No. 2250-3536, Vol 2, Issue 6, Pp 87-91
59 Dr. Arun Kumar Investigations on performance of Flail Type straw Chopper-cum-Spreader for paddy straw Management. 2012 Vishal Singh, Arun Kumar and T.C. Thakur 2012. Investigations on performance of Flail Type straw Chopper-cum-Spreader for paddy straw Management. The 46th Annual convention of ISAE and International symposium on Grain Storage. FMP 2012-04. Feb. 27-29, 2012, G.B.P.U.A&T., Pantnagar.
60 Dr. Arun Kumar 25. SOUVENIR (2012) 46 th Annual Convention “Indian Society of Agricultural engineers (ISAE) & International Symposium on Grain Storage” 2012 SOUVENIR (2012) 46 th Annual Convention “Indian Society of Agricultural engineers (ISAE) & International Symposium on Grain Storage” February 27-29, 2012, Pantnagar, India
61 Dr. Arun Kumar Soil cone index in relation to soil texture, moisture content, and bulk density for no-tillage and conventional tillage 2012 Kumar, A. Y. Chen, A. Sadek, S.Rahman. 2012. Soil cone index in relation to soil texture, moisture content, and bulk density for no-tillage and conventional tillage. Agric Eng International: CIGR Journal.Vol.14 (1):26-37
62 Dr. Arun Kumar Effect of tillage and rice straw management methods on soil health and wheat crop response. 2011 Vishal Singh, Arun Kumar and T.C. Thakur 2011. Effect of tillage and rice straw management methods on soil health and wheat crop response. The 45th Annual convention of ISAE and International symposium on water for agriculture. January 17-19, 2011, Nagpur
63 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Study on some physico-engineering properties of dry, soaked and sprouted rice seed 2010 Sharma, S. C. and Singh,T. P. (2010). Study on some physico-engineering properties of dry, soaked and sprouted rice seed.Journal of Agricultural Engineering,vol 47(3):1-4
64 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Role of Machineries in Sustainable Agriculture. Chapter in book on Stable Food Production and Sustainable Agriculture- A challenge ahead in 21st century edited by Sengar, R. S. and Sharma, A.K. Studium Press (India) Pvt Ltd 2010 Singh, T. P. ISBN 13 : 978-9380012-14-8
65 Jayant Singh Exhaust emissions of CI engine on pongamia ethyl ester blends with diesel . 2010 Godugula, V and Singh, Jayant 2010.Exhaust emissions of CI engine on pongamia ethyl ester blends with diesel .Green Farming,1(2): 202-205.
66 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Application. A chapter published in the book entitled “Agriculture in Uttarakhand Hills” 2010 Pateriya, R.N. and Bhattacharya, T.K., published by Directorate of Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. Pp: 302-310.
67 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Energetics for production of Pigeonpea (Abstract) 2010 Pateriya, R.N. and Bhattacharya, T.K., Proceeding: 44rd ISAE Annual Convention and Symposium Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Pp: 4.7.
68 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Engineering interventions for food production in fragile ecosystems 2010 Pateriya, R.N. and Bhattacharya, T.K., A proceeding on the XXVI Annual Convention and Symposium of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held and published by G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar Pp: 78-80
69 Dr. Arun Kumar Technologies for sustainable paddy residue management and its effect on crop establishment and environment 2010 Arun Kumar, 2010 Technologies for sustainable paddy residue management and its effect on crop establishment and environment (ISAE/09/RM04). The 44th Annual Convention and Symposium of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers held at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi – 110 12 from the 28th to 30th of January 2010
70 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Status and Perspective of Agricultural Mechanization in Hills Chapter in book on Agriculture in Uttarakhand Hills edited by Bisht, B.S. and Singh, D.P. published by Directorate of Experiment Station, GBPUAT, Pantnagar 2009 Singh, T. P.
71 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Improved hoof shoes for He-buffalo – a success story. Research Bulletin No. 162, published under AICRP on UAE, G. B. Pant University of Agric. & Technology, Pantnagar 2009 Singh, T. P.; Singh, M. P. and Singh, Jayant
72 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Alternate use of biomass for sustainable development: Gasification Technology for solving energy crisis in rural areas 2009 Pateriya, R.N. and Singh, S., In: A chapter published in the book entitled “Ecosystem Diversity and Carbon Sequestration” published by Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. Pp: 162-172.
73 Dr Raj N Pateriya Adaptation of Viable Energy Options for the Sustainable Agricultural Development. 2008 Pateriya, R.N. and Singh, S. The annual Review of Agricultural Engineering (ARAE) a publication of the Agricultural Engineering Committee of the polish academy of science, Poland.
74 Jayant Singh Emission characteristics of methyl ester of rice bran oil as fuel in compression ignition engine. 2008 Singh,Jayant; Mishra, T.N. and Bhattacharya and Singh, M.P. 2008. Emission characteristics of methyl ester of rice bran oil as fuel in compression ignition engine. International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 1(2): 63-67.
75 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Assessment of Dynamic properties of Soil 2008 Pateriya, R.N. Dewal, P.M. Dangwal, P.S. and Sharma, S.K., Assessment of Dynamic properties of Soil. J. Agril. Engg.
76 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Ergonomics Evaluation of the Tractors Seat 2008 Pateriya, R.N. and Singh, S., Pantnagar Journal of Research. G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar.
77 Jayant Singh Effect of environment and work conditions on physiological parameters of draught buffaloes. 2007 Sharma, S.C.; Singh, M.P.; Singh, Jayant and Rastogi, S.K. 2007. Effect of environment and work conditions on physiological parameters of draught buffaloes. Pantnagar Journal of Research, 5 (1):129-138
78 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Alternate use of the biomass for the sustainable development 2007 Pateriya, R.N., Proceedings of National Conference of Ecosystem Diversity and Carbon Sequestration Challenges and a Bay out for using in a sustainable future, DBT, New Delhi
79 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Performance evaluation of the forage densifiy machine 2007 Pateriya, R.N., Rajput, D.S. and Singh A.K., Proceeding of International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Bangkok, Thailand
80 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Agro Industries and Appropriate Technology 2007 Pateriya, R.N., In: A Book published by Madhuker Prakashan, 28, Manglam Vihar, Agra, U.P.
81 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Sustainable Rural development and Multimedia 2007 Pateriya, R.N., A chapter published in the Book of In: Science communication and national development, NCSTC, DST, New Delhi, pp 45-49
82 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Improved Tools and Equipments for Hill Agriculture 2006 Singh, M. P.; Singh, Jayant; Rajkumar and Singh, T. P.
83 Jayant Singh Study on different tillage treatments for rice – residue incorporation and its effect on wheat yield in tarai region of Uttaranchal. 2006 Singh, T.P.; Singh, Jayant and Kumar, Raj 2006. Study on different tillage treatments for rice – residue incorporation and its effect on wheat yield in tarai region of Uttaranchal. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, 37{3} : 18-24.
84 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Sustainable development and Energy Requirement for Crop production 2006 Pateriya R.N. and Singh, S., Proceedings of the National Seminar (DAAD), College of Technology, Pantnagar
85 Dr Raj N Pateriya Economics of the Biodiesel production from Jatropha, Castor and Jojoba for the village ecosystem. 2005 Pateriya R.N. Journal of Rural Technology, CSIR, Vol. II, No.3, pp.105-109.
86 Dr Raj N Pateriya Adaptation of the Viable Energy Option for the Village Ecosystem. 2005 Pateriya R.N and Singh, S. Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, Vol.I, pp.125-129.
87 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Pantnagar developed a mat-type nursery raising device for rice transplanters 2004 Sharma, S. C. and Singh, T. P. 2004. Pantnagar developed a mat-type nursery raising device for rice transplanters. Agricultural Engineering Today, 28 (1-2).
88 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Design Modification of a Self-Propelled Type Rice Planter 2004 Pateriya R.N., Proceeding of the Internationals conference of agricultural Engineering at I.I.T., Kharagpur (W.B.)
89 Dr. Raj N Pateriya वैज्ञानिक विकास में अध्यात्म का महत्व 2004 Pateriya R.N., Proceeding of national seminar on Spritual model of India’s development, Chitrakoot
90 Dr. Raj N Pateriya बायो डीजल ऊर्जा संकट का एक उदीयमान विकल्प 2004 Pateriya R.N. and Singh, S., Proceeding of the Workshop organized by Vigyan Parisad at Chitrakoot
91 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Energy Requirement for Production of Wheat crop in the Village Ecosystem 2004 Pateriya, R. N., Rai, D.P. and Singh, S., Proceeding of the II national extension education congress on technology application approach for extension education, at Udaipur ( Raj.)
92 Jayant Singh Effect of inoculum level on dry anaerobic batch fermentation of cattle dung. 2003 2 Singh, Jayant; Mishra, T.N. and Bhattacharya, T.K. 2003. Effect of inoculum level on dry anaerobic batch fermentation of cattle dung, Pantnagar Journal of Research Vol. 1, June 2003 1: 113-117
93 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Scope of the Natural Refrigerator for Food Preservation 2003 Pateriya R. N., Kumar, S. and Singh A. P., Proceeding of fifth International Food Conference at CFTRI Campus, Mysore
94 Dr. Raj N Pateriya बायोमास ऊर्जा का महत्व 2003 Pateriya R.N., Published by Vigyan Parishad Prayag, Allahabad. ISSN, 0373- 1200. pp 27 – 29
95 Dr. Raj N Pateriya A Case Study of Rural Energy Resources in Jakhi Village 2003 Pandey, P.K. Pateriya, R.N., and Bhattacharya D., Proceeding of International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development, MNIT, Jaipur
96 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Performance evaluation of powered harrow plough in comparison to other tillage systems in silty-clay loam soil 2002 Singh, K. P.; Singh, Bachchan and Singh, T. P. 2002. Performance evaluation of powered harrow plough in comparison to other tillage systems in silty-clay loam soil. Journal of Agric. Engineering. 39(1):40-48
97 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Study of Energy Planning of Jakhi village dist.-Satna 2002 Pateriya, R.N. & Pandey, Proceeding of national convention of agricultural Engineering at IIT, Kharagpur
98 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Effects of the Air Pollution on the Ecosystem 2002 Pateriya, R.N., Mishra A. and Khan Nawab, Proceeding of national seminar on hydro chemical and Biochemical studies and environmental pollution at Aurangabad
99 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Performance result of Pantnagar Zero-till ferti-seed drill at farmer’s field of Tarai region of Uttaranchal 2001 Singh, T. P. 2001. Performance result of Pantnagar Zero-till ferti-seed drill at farmer’s field of Tarai region of Uttaranchal. Wheat Research at Pantnagar (1993-2001).
100 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Self-propelled rice transplanter- A machine for mechanization of rice transplanting. 2001 Singh, T. P. 2001. Self-propelled rice transplanter- A machine for mechanization of rice transplanting. In Souvenir of 36th Annual All India Rice Research Group Meeting “Towards Better Rice Production in Uttaranchal” held at G. B. Pant University of Agric. & Technology, Pantnagar w.e.f. April 9-12. Pp 73-78
101 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Design and development of a powered vertical disc plough 2001 Singh, T. P. and Singh, Bachchan 2001. Design and development of a powered vertical disc plough. Journal of Agric. Engineering. 38(1):41-52
102 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Self-propelled Rice Transplanter- A machine for mechanization. Chapter in Souvenir on “Towards Better Rice Production in Uttaranchal” published by GBPUAT, Pantnagar 2001 Singh, T. P.
103 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Technical bulletin on “Pantnagar Zero-till Ferti-seed Drill” 2001 Singh, T. P. and Singh, Bachchan
104 Dr Raj N Pateriya Sustainable Rural Development & Role of Improved Wood stove. 2001 Pateriya, R. N. Sustainable development vision and options, B.S. Sharma & Brothers. Agra. Pp. 46-49.
105 Dr Raj N Pateriya Study of Natural Convection Solar Dryer and its Application in Food Industry 2001 Pateriya, R.N. & Ghosh, H., Proceeding of International Conference at BHU, Varanasi
106 Dr Raj N Pateriya Effects of Bamboo Matrix on the Production of KVIC Type Bio-gas Plant Placed in the Digestor 2001 Pateriya, R.N. & Diwadi, S. 2001., Proceeding of National Seminar of Institution of Engineers held at Jabalpur.
107 Dr Raj N Pateriya सोलर फोटोवोल्टाइक एवं उनके उपयोग 2001 Pateriya, R. N. & Jain, K.M., सोलर फोटोवोल्टाइक एवं उनके उपयोग Vigyan Patrika, Allahabad.
108 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Effect of gang speed,-ratio and depth of operation on the performance of powered vertical disc plough 2000 Singh, T. P. and Singh, Bachchan 2000. Effect of gang speed,-ratio and depth of operation on the performance of powered vertical disc plough.Journal of Agric. Engineering. 37(1):1-12
109 Dr Raj N Pateriya Importance of energy in Sustainable Rural Development 2000 Pateriya, R. N., Proceeding of national seminar organized by Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Parishad Karnal at Chitrakoot
110 Dr Raj N Pateriya Energy Audit of Wheat Crop Production of the Village Jujhari District Jabalpur (M.P.) 2000 Singh, V.C., Pateriya, R. N., & Singh, A., Proceeding of national conference on commercialization aspects of renewable energy sources, at Udaipur. 4. Pateriya, R.N. & Ghosh, H. 2001 Study of Natural Convection Solar Dryer and its Application in Food Industry. Proceeding of International Conference at BHU, Varanasi.
111 Dr. Raj N Pateriya Monograph on Producer gas technology (Gasifier) 2000 Pateriya R.N., M.G.C.G.V., Chitrakoot (M.P.).
112 Dr Raj N Pateriya Importance of the Wind Mill in our Country 1999 Pateriya, R. N. , Proceedings of the National seminar on Wind energy Commercialization, at MACT, Bhopal
113 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Performance evaluation of zero – till drill in comparison to reduced and conventional tillage system 1997 Singh, Bachchan and Singh, T. P. 1997. Performance evaluation of zero – till drill in comparison to reduced and conventional tillage system. In proceeding of National Seminar on Engineering Applications in Rural Development held at IET, Lucknow, 100 – 115 pp.
114 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Tillage in Rice – Wheat cropping system 1996 Singh, T. P. and Singh, Bachchan 1996. Tillage in Rice – Wheat cropping system. In Wheat Research at Pantnagar, Research Bulletin No 128. Directorate of Experiment Station. G. B. Pant Univ. of Agric. & Tech. Pantnagar, 62 – 66 pp.
115 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Design, development of an animal drawn engine operated reaper 1995 Singh, T. P. and Singh, Bachchan 1995. Design, development of an animal drawn engine operated reaper. AMA, vol 26 (2): 29 - 34.
116 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Development and performance evaluation of zero – till ferti seed drill 1995 Singh, Bachchan and Singh, T. P. 1995. Development and performance evaluation of zero – till ferti seed drill. Indian Journal of Agril. Engng. 32 (1-4) : 13 – 23.
117 Jayant Singh Repair and maintenance of diesel engines. 1993 1 Singh, Jayant; Singh, S.P. 1993. Repair and maintenance of diesel engines, Indian Farmers’ Digest, 25(2 ):28-30
118 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Mechanizing small and marginal Indian farming 1990 Singh, T. P. 1990. Mechanizing small and marginal Indian farming. In proceeding of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
119 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Mechanizing small and marginal Indian farming 1990 In proceeding of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference held at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
120 TRIVENI PRASAD SINGH Performance and economic evaluation of an animal drawn cum engine operated vertical conveyor reaper on wheat crop 1989 Bansal, N. K.; Singh, Bachchan; Bhattacharya, T. K. and Singh, T. P. 1989 Performance and economic evaluation of an animal drawn cum engine operated vertical conveyor reaper on wheat crop. In proceeding of Silver Jubilee convention of ISAE held at Udaipur. 117-126 p.

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